The Importance of Folic Acid For Pregnant Women

For pregnant women, have a healthy baby means making sure he was healthy first. one of the most important things that can be done to prevent serious birth defects in the baby is getting enough folic acid every day-especially before conception and during early pregnancy.

When pregnant, pregnant women should pay attention to the nutrients will be consumed for the health of the fetus in her belly. all mothers will definitely want children who will be born later born healthy and not disabled. however, if the nutrients that should be consumed less, it could lead to birth defects in the baby. one must consume enough nutrients is folic acid. if folic acid deficiency, will result in defects in babies who will be born later. in this article, we describe the impact of folic acid deficiency during pregnancy. it is very important for women to understand, that are pregnant or planning a pregnancy will be able to have a healthy baby.

What is Folic Acid ?

Folic acid is actually one element of vit. b complex, namely b 9. folic acid is used to form the genetic material in the cell body. moreover, this acid also serves to the formation of red blood cells. it is very important for the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to all organs of the body, and also for tissue growth. folic acid, according to recent research also has other health benefits as protection against the debilitating diseases such as alzheimers disease, some cancers and stroke.

Less intake of folic acid can lead to various health problems, such as ulceration in inflammation, peptic ulcers and chronic diarrhea. folic acid deficiency also cause anemia.

The Importance of Folic Acid For Pregnant Women.

Many benefits of folic acid in the body is very admirable. however, the fact is most concerned with folic acid pregnant women.

Somebody in early pregnancy, the fetus is still developing in the womb, the intake of nutrients such as folic acid is required in this phase, so when baby is born strong and healthy. most of the doctors have suggested that adequate consumption of folic acid for all women who are pregnant or become pregnant while yet. they suggest that folic acid is very important because it affects fetal growth, from conception. defects that occur in the fetus, usually occurs in early pregnancy. thus, women who have not felt the pregnancy at the time of conception, they should always be enough folic acid in order to avoid fetal defects, such as defects in the spine, called spina bifida or neural tube defects.

From the above it is concluded that the intake of folic acid for pregnant women or pregnant women has not been very important, so as not to interfere with the growth of the fetus and does not cause unwanted defects. examples of foods that contain folic acid are broccoli, oranges, bananas, nuts, beans, etc..

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