The Importance of Nutrition Improvement For Pregnant Women

In the effort to improve the quality of human resources, nutrients have a role as well as the absolute very strategic. especially for women ( mothers and expectant mothers ), as increasingly more women are half of society and they can also be born of a new generation of Indonesian nation.

Want new generation realized that the quality of birth and mental, developed and independent, master of science and technology, so must be smart and healthy. intelligence related to the strength of the human brain to absorb and process information.

The human brain is composed of approximately 100 billion neurons with each function that is formed when a human fetus in the mother's womb . kesempunaan formation and fetal brain growth depends on the nutritional and health situation of her mother since the family plans to have children ( preconception ) and during pregnancy.

Period of Fetal Distress

Human vital organs began to be formed in the months first trimester of pregnancy. times it is said to be critical periods in fetal development. central nervous system or the brain is formed very early that by the end of the 2nd week in a period of distress until the sixth week. The brain grows the system continues to run until the child is five years old.

The first trimester is the peak total nutrient needs for growth and development of the fetus as well as the system because it is very sensitive period in nutrient deficiencies.

Negative effects of malnutrition at this critical time in brain changes include : lack of essential fatty acids ( omega - 3 and omega - 6 ), for the purposes of approximately 20 percent of total calories / day, can lead to the problem of motion coordination and memory.

Vitamin deficiency. a ( need 1200 iu / day ) led to delays in the development of neuronal structure. folasin deficiency ( 50 ug / day ) resulted in retarded growth and brain dysfunction. momentary lack vit. b - 12 ( 0 , 3 ug / day ) resulted in abnormal development of the infant brain cell myelin.

If it lasts zn deficiency ( 5 , 0 mg / day ) , can lead to brain cell development constraints , as well as relationship problems mentally . not to mention others such as cleft lip is caused due to deficiency zn and vit. a or mute, deaf, and physically disabled idiot if iodine deficiency and zn.

Of most research note that the major nutritional problems, such as lack of power protein ( kep ), less vit. a ( kva ), problems caused by iodine deficiency ( gaki ), as well as nutritional anemia in vulnerable places and places idt nutrition.

Of the 4 major nutritional problems that remain apprehensive and need careful handling of the issue and the gaki kep in endemic goiter. years of data . 2005 show the prevalence of malnutrition in pregnant women kep 63 , 5 percent , 55 children under five years , 5 % , 20-40 % school age children , adult women 30-40 % , 30-40 % randah income workers , as well as adult men 20-30 %.

Since Preconception

Required nutrients in the growth and development of brain systems rather than carbohydrates , proteins , vit . and minerals , but also fat . fat is the main constituent of the composition of the brain ( approximately 60 % ) consisting of a fatty acid chain length bored ( PUFA = polysaturated fatty acids) or essential fatty acids omega - 3 and omega - 6 . This fatty acid is in a lot of fish , especially marine fish and green vegetables.

Improvement of maternal health this should be done since preconception, during pregnancy, as well as among children, such as immunizations , vaccinations and other health controls . The most helpful about perfection in fetal development and children under five , are all also the prevention and protection efforts on diseases that endanger the child's development such as polio , measles , tetanus , diphtheria and hepatetis.

For psychological terms, this round is considered less serious concern in the health care of pregnant women . the results of the research show that babies born to mothers who kedaan good psychological , mental and social perkembagan can add better, more cheerful and more easily adapt to the environment.

Since preconception on mothers reported that all pregnant and trying to be like a positive effect on pregnancy . also strived to stay away from things that can trigger stress jal or surprising , especially fall slip. This could change the whole system in fetal development that runs inside the womb.

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