Know the Process of Pregnancy

The process of pregnancy , when a woman doing sexual tangle with a man then maybe she would get pregnant ( ongoing pregnancy ) . ongoing pregnancy when sperm entry into the uterus of a woman inside an egg that has been cooked . the average man semen number 3 cc , and 1 cc every normal semen can contain approximately 100 million to 120 million sperm cells fruit . after the semen is emitted ( ejaculation ) in the base of the genital tract to his wife , millions of sperm cells can be running across the uterine cavity ,

Vied with each other to reach a ripe egg is in the fallopian tubes across the uterus . at the time of ovulation , the composition of mucus in the cervix ( neck of the womb ) become more fluid , to the sperm to penetrate easily inside the uterus . sperm move from the vagina to the fallopian tubes which form the end of the funnel over the next 5 minutes . cells lining the fallopian tube fertilization and facilitate the ongoing formation of the zygote ( fertilized egg cell ) . if the woman is in the fertile period , or in other words there is a ripe egg , then fertilization was taken away . the fertilization system , only the head of the sperm penetrates the egg and unite with the egg nucleus . side of the tail called locomotor sperm can remove themselves . The fertilized egg cells can naturally hardening the outside . This resulted in the egg can only be fertilized by one sperm .

Core fertilized egg cells can naturally separate into two sides after 30 hours . 20 hours then the egg nucleus can be re- split into four sides . three to four days after fertilization , the cell can be up to section uterus . within a period of 1 week after the turn , can produce a mass of cells that form of bulb ola needles , which meant ( blastocyt ) . in the system after it , which is approximately 5 days later , blastocyst can attach and implant into the endometrium .
along two to four weeks of increment changes , blastocysts obtain nutrients from the endometrium . at the time of this change , may be the placenta . placenta is the organ in the form of discs that contain maternal blood vessels ( mother ) and embryos . through this placenta , the embryo can obtain nutrients from the maternal . It also takes place through the lasenta exchange respiratory gases and metabolic waste disposal embryos . blood flow to the placenta of the embryo through the umbilical artery and venous return through the center and through the embryonic heart .

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